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Sacred Journeys

Pilgrimage is a journey, often to a place of deep spiritual or personal significance. But the journey itself is where the magic happens. Pilgrimage is about becoming deeply present to the here-and-now, to what is right in front of you.

As you ease into the rhythm of the walk, you start to see more, hear more, smell more! It’s a spiritual practice that is deeply embodied – you are walking outwardly even as you take an internal walk to the truest places within you. And it’s a practice that allows us to start to see the sacred in the ordinary – a phrase that has become one of the key touchstones of my life.

The poet, Hafiz, has an extraordinary poem, which begins, “Now is the time to know / That all that you do is sacred.”  Pilgrimage helps us live into that reality.

“Many believe a pilgrimage is about going away but it isn’t; it is about coming home. Those who choose to go on pilgrimage have already ventured away from themselves; and now set out in a longing to journey back to who they are.”


Image by Joe Stubbs


While most of us are spending our days in our homes, it might feel counter-intuitive to be thinking of pilgrimage. But pilgrimage has much to teach us about finding the sacred in the ordinary, especially now.

The Lockdown Pilgrimage includes reflections on different aspects of pilgrimage and the invitations they offer for spiritual deepening, even while we remain at home. 


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